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Oil sump high pressure spray cleaning machine
  • Oil sump high pressure spray cleaning machine
  • Oil sump high pressure spray cleaning machine
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Oil sump high pressure spray cleaning machine
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Product details

Applications: Auto parts: engine block, oil sump, cylinder head,

Equipment advantages:

1. Effectively remove the cutting liquid, aluminum chips (iron filings), the cleanliness can reach: the residual weight of the particles is less than 6mg, and the particle size is ≤600μ;

2. Adopting the intelligent temperature control system independently developed by the company, it can save 30% energy compared with the peer equipment, and greatly reduce the operating cost of the equipment.

3, using the technology-leading vacuum drying technology, for the workpiece with blind holes or fine holes, the drying ability is best,

After cleaning, the workpiece can be completely dried (no need for manual assist drying);

4, the fastest cleaning beat: 60 seconds / piece;

Applications: Auto parts: engine block, oil sump, cylinder head,

Equipment advantages:

1. Effectively remove the cutting liquid, aluminum chips (iron filings), the cleanliness can reach: the residual weight of the particles is less than 6mg, and the particle size is ≤600μ;

2. Adopting the intelligent temperature control system independently developed by the company, it can save 30% energy compared with the peer equipment, and greatly reduce the operating cost of the equipment.

3, using the technology-leading vacuum drying technology, for the workpiece with blind holes or fine holes, the drying ability is best,

After cleaning, the workpiece can be completely dried (no need for manual assist drying);

4, the fastest cleaning beat: 60 seconds / piece;

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