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Mobile phone case ultrasonic cleaning machine
  • Mobile phone case ultrasonic cleaning machine
  • Mobile phone case ultrasonic cleaning machine
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Mobile phone case ultrasonic cleaning machine
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Product details


1. Typical mobile phone casing industry standard process before plating;

2. The combination of before and after plating can be realized without changing the fixture;

3. Can achieve cleaning, passivation, rust prevention, drying and other functions at the same time;

4. Rationally configure the water system to achieve repeated use of DI water, and the water consumption is significantly reduced;

5. Configure rapid heating and constant temperature control system to meet the needs of mass production;

6. Combine the inner circulation with the drying of the ramp, and dry quickly at lower temperatures.



1. Typical mobile phone casing industry standard process before plating;

2. The combination of before and after plating can be realized without changing the fixture;

3. Can achieve cleaning, passivation, rust prevention, drying and other functions at the same time;

4. Rationally configure the water system to achieve repeated use of DI water, and the water consumption is significantly reduced;

5. Configure rapid heating and constant temperature control system to meet the needs of mass production;

6. Combine the inner circulation with the drying of the ramp, and dry quickly at lower temperatures.


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